
The main raw material for Gelatine manufacture is the naturally occurring protein collagen. The process of converting collagen into Gelatine involves several cleansing and purification steps.
During this long and meticulous process, IGCL maintains international standards of hygiene, using sophisticated imported machinery.

IGCL pretreats the raw material, which automatically gets cleaned in the process. Gelatine is derived from the pretreated and pre cleaned material by adding warm water and carrying out extraction in several stages.

Extracted gelatine solution is purified by using high tech equipment and various filtration methods. IGCL uses automated ion exchange system to remove inorganic and ionic impurities. These systems along with plate filters complete the purification and bring the Gelatine to meet the stringent quality standard of IGCL.

To achieve the honey-like consistency of Gelatine, IGCL uses automated and energy efficient Ultra Filtration system as well as vacuum evaporators. This process gently removes water from the gelatine solution, thereby concentrating it. Keeping in tune with IGCL’s stringent quality parameters, high temperature sterilization is used at this stage to destroy any microbial contaminants.

In order to maintain high international standards, the gelatine is chilled and dried in an automated dryer using pre-filtered and sterilized air . The dried gelatine is then mechanically reduced to uniform granular size.

As the final form of gelatine granules depends upon its desired application, it is accordingly ground and blended. Quality being the watchword at IGCL, the gelatine is put through stringent quality checks before it is hygienically dispatched in HDPE or paper bags, as per customer preference.